Motherhood in Sweden

The changing face of motherhood in Austria — download the full report in pdf format Click on the accompanying image to download and read the full document using Adobe's Acrobat Reader.


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The Changing Face of Motherhood

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The changing face of motherhood in Sweden


Government policies such as generous and flexible parental leave and public child care provision have served to encourage mothers to return to the workforce. In spite of the opportunity for parents to split the state sponsored leave, however, it is still mainly the mother who uses it and research has highlighted the detrimental impact that this can have on her career prospects .

Despite the long history of equality between men and women in Sweden, there is evidence that traditional gender roles resurface when a couple begins a family. This, combined with lingering cultural notions of what being a ‘good’ mother entails, accounts for the prevalent attitude of ‘first work, then children’ and the fact that today’s mothers are increasingly reporting a lack of ability to balance work and home life. Furthermore, it might explain why the career-orientation spurred by reforms in the 1970s is being countered today by a return to notions of the old ‘housewife’ role. Choosing to be a housewife has previously been seen to undermine steps towards gender equality. It is now becoming a socio-cultural trend supported by images of a more comfortable life-style as well as greater ability to be, and to be seen by others as being, a good mother.

Click here to download the report in pdf format.

The Changing Face of Motherhood research was commissioned by Procter & Gamble (P&G)